Sunday, October 29, 2006

sabbath poem - Fellow Day

(thoughts on an early Sunday morning ...)

Hello! new day.
Meet new Shaun.
Together, today, we
foray into nü rhythm, nü life.
Come fellow, come follow

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Reagan Pugh said...

How Berryish of you! I like this Shaun, it's crisp and inviting, as if the reader is the day, welcomed to explore "nü rhythm, nü life" with you. Man, I wish I wasn't in San Marcos!

Keep posting these man, take care.

Richard Carpenter said...

Reagan, spoken like one immersed in poetry. I agree, crisp and inviting. I like it too. I especially like the way you broke up the lines. The final one–word line, "me," rings out in my mind when I read it–I am hanging on it. The poem is a call to the reader.

thanks for including me.