Saturday, November 18, 2006

galactic pyramid & holiday gifts

awake & linking: RLP
Real Live Preacher is at it again. Really, he's always at it; and I greatly admire his writing. I'm excited for this season, because his second installment of Christmas stories is released - The Shepherd's Story! I very much enjoyed last year's A Christmas Story You've Never Heard. Check both out! (they make great holiday gifts!)

Any causal stop at RLP's blog is highly likely to leave you creatively & spiritually inspired - the graces somehow stretch from the page, becoming active.
A recent post, Galactic Pyramid is true to form - great musings on enlightenment ... something I know remains at the front of our minds at ThoseAwake.
He writes,
"Here are some signs of spiritual enlightenment:
* The embracing of paradox.
* The love of mystery in the presence of unanswered questions.
* The acceptance of your small place in reality.
* The willingness to engage in spiritual exercises without knowing how they will work or even what it would mean for them to work.
* The increase of the love, grace, forgiveness, and patience visible in your life.
Do you suppose it takes an entire galaxy to support the development of one self-aware species? It may be that only a very small percentage of worlds develop life of any kind. And of those worlds, perhaps only a small percentage will develop complex life forms, like plants and insects. And of those worlds, only a small few will develop life with any recognizable form of intelligence. And of those, a tiny fraction will develop life that is able to ponder the nature and meaning of its own existence."
The full post is HERE. RLP is always worth a link. :)

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Reagan Pugh said...

So, there's a word that we're supposed to use to signify our agreement with things posted if we don't really have anything to add or expand on. I don't know what that word is yet, but if I did, I'd write it here, maybe even twice. What great thoughts in his article!

Reagan Pugh said...

Also, I like the color change of the Blog!

Richard Carpenter said...

This was an interesting post by RLP. I have never been to his blog before, so it was a new experience for me.
My initial reaction was of keen interest, but when I read some of the comments other readers left, I became somewhat disenchanted. I don't know, but when people start saying stuff like, "are you sure your not Buddhist?" I think, you missed the point. But even so, I was left feeling more like I read a page from one of those inspirational books somebody's overly positive mom puts in the basket next to the toilet. I know, I know. I am being terribly cynical, it's not really that bad. I did enjoy the post, was even encouraged by it. I guess I want him to go deeper. I do love the check list for those who are undergoing spiritual enlightenment. They are all so counter intuitive-so, against the grain-totally indicative of something one would not do all alone without some prompting from..."heaven?"
It makes me want to go to some really good poetry, or the Bible. The two things that really frustrate the rational part of me.

Thanks for sharing this Shaun.

s.o said...

reagan - I don't yet have the word nailed down. Let's keep thinking/searching and post something when you've got an idea.

richard - glad you visited RLP. Now you must make a habit to go back. this post was about enlightenment and was a bit light and airy, but great. And I won't let a bunch of shmo's comments disenchant me from the great writing and great idea that is there. That's why I say go read more of his stuff. the more you do, the writing will become undoubtedly and beautifully clear and meaningful.
*I'm an RLP apologist!